Sunday, July 31, 2005
Moving On
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Packing Packing Packing
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Knick Knack Paddy Whack
Vacation on a Dude Ranch?
Now, as I am home free without a work day care, I applied the 'gender genie' ( to my post Afternoon Delight ( (I know there is a better way to show links...the elegance is lost on me at the moment). Hmmm....seems that it was written by a male. Big time. When I informed the genie that it was wrong it replied 'That's one butch chick' ... It causes me to wonder what form the gender genie considers 'female?' I reread Afternoon sounds female to me. Maybe it's me. Maybe I am not female enough. Hmmm...but...I have stretch marks from breasts are a bit saggy but still there, I menstruate once a month...physically I'm female. Maybe it's a mental thing? Oh dear. Perhaps I should seek out professional help? Maybe, instead of going away for my vacation, I'll just allow my maleness to come out ... be a dude for awhile. It's not that I totally believe the computer guru's hard not to wonder if there may be some divine truth in what it spews out. I can one argue against science and math? Puhhhhllease. Interesting that there are those who feel that this form of 'science' can tell us anything more than illustrate our obession with labelling and cataloguing difference based on binary code. 1 or 0...Black or White...Chick or Dude. Yet...the gender genie does allow for grey doesn't it. It did suggest that I was a 'butch chick.' Hmmm...could the binary be breaking down? Maybe there is hope...even the computer program admits that there are additional categories out there. Hmmm...I'd be interested to know what happens to a male writer who gets a female rating...will he be called a femme? Oh dear...I sense another binary on the way. Calgon...take me away.
Female Score: 833Male Score: 800
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!
Guess I'll stay away from the ranch for a bit.
Monday, July 25, 2005
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (and the really cute)

This is a picture of S ... kinda wanted to see if I could add pics. Everyone else on the block is trying it... Hmmm...shouldn't this have been more difficult? What am I missing? S, as you can see, is missing teeth. No...not naturally...unless you count falling down stoop steps and slamming mouth into metal kick guard a natural childhood progression...I'm sure the jury will be out for awhile.
Contemplated yet another night sans blog but, as I was waiting for J to finish his shower whilst I sat sipping tea on the front stoop watching a local prostitute (a new one tonight...young...strung out...possibly pregnant) tour the street with that ungainly, pushy yet vulnerable night time strut, I thought that I should break the silence. I know me...if I can get away with putting something off for a short while, I can extend the silence indefinitely.
So...what's new? My supervisor has returned from his vacation. Got to show him the good, the bad and the ugly. Clean carp shop good. Rental of bin without knowing how much I spent on it? bad. Fixed risers? Good. Having to drive around searching for wood delivered to the wrong spot? Ugly. Clean sink room good. My staff forgetting to lock sound room door last night? bad. Clean lights, good. Ripped DMX line...ugly...staff trying to hide it from me with electrical tape...uglier. Clean booth? Good. Pink I told the tech to paint the wall pink. He chose to actually listen to me. He mixed the colour. It's the most unpink pink I've ever seen. Not flowery...not froofroo...more like pepto bismal. New sound patch...very good. Monitor falling on $25 000 sound board (bending 3 knobs) ... bad and ugly. Overall, the tour went well. Inspection was passed. Ended up getting a lot done while he was away...funny that. Now, all I have to do is get through Wednesday...then it's vacation!! Yippie. I'm getting quite tired of the place/space.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Up Down Up Down Up
* example of weird moods/temper is linked to the rice salad. J had asked his mom, sister and nephew over for dinner tonight...I wouldn't be there but, he said he could handle it. He put chicken on the grill and rice on the coleman stove at his side. When his family arrived, they stayed in the house. He poked his head in and they asked 'what's for dinner?' He said chicken. To him, they didn't seem impressed. He took out some money and sent his sister out to pick up hamburgers and a salad. When I got home and he told me this I freaked. I couldn't believe that he had made up 10 pieces of yummy chicken and an entire pot of rice that was ignored. He told me not to but I did anyway. I called his mother. Her first response was 'I'll pay for the chicken.' not the point but telling no? I told her that my largest concern was that there was a huge lack of communication going on (apparently they didn't know that the chicken was for them? even though J told them that it was? I get confused)...I really don't think I accomplished much from calling...overreaction on my part...but I was really pissed off...but then...the pissy mood subsided...I went on line and searched for rice/salad recipes ... found one that uses dijon, parsley, peanuts and curry...turned out really yummy.
I think I need some quality sleep. Not too humid tonight. Get ready for tomorrow. It's been a really really long week. I wonder if I have enough money kicking around to get a bottle of gin? I think an afternoon of G&T's is in order.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Understanding Towels 101
The dish towels are folded in exactly the same way as the hand towels but, these are linen or cotten blends and will lie more flat. These are used to dry dishes. In homes such as ours, these tend not be used unless company arrives. For the most part, we tend to let our dishes air dry on the rack. These towels may also be made slightly damp and used to wrap up bread to heat it up in the oven. The bread won't dry out and will come out like it was freshly baked. In the kitchen there are also hand towels. These tend not be be made of terri cloth like their bathroom cousins. Instead, they are usually a cotton-blend. These are used to dry one's hands, usually after one has done the dishes. Please note that under no circumstances should these be used for any other purpose (ie. to wipe up messes) except, on occasion, as an additional pot holder. The tricky part occurs when a dish cloth or a wash cloth starts getting old. When they pass their prime, they move over into the rag pile. These are generally folded in half and then in half again. Rags are used for dusting, washing floors and walls, cleaning the car...pretty much anything except for dishes and bodies. There is, however, a grace period wherein for one week it may be a rag and then for another it may creep back into the dish/wash cloth pile. Please note, however, that there is, ultimately, no turning back. Once a cloth begins to deteriorate, its fate is sealed. The rag is the last may last quite along time like this but, eventually, like all things, it will begin to decay and become nothing more than scraps of landfill.
This wasn't so hard to follow was it? other thing. If, when seated for dinner, one of your children knocks over a glass of milk and it begins to cascade over the edge of the table splashing on to the floor below, none of the above rules will apply. Grab anything aborbant and wipe it can always sort out the towel mess later.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Public Spaces
The funny thing about cell phones, pagers and the like is that although they appear to bring people closer and more in touch, they seem to have the opposite effect. When one is separated from another without any technological aids, it is accepted that one will have to wait in order to have contact. With these 'aids' however, waiting is more painful. The one being called can turn off the phone...refuse to answer...create a real or imagined snub. It drives me crazy. If the phone is answered, it is much easier to lie to the person on the other and truth become warped concepts...
Anyway, I finally got in touch with him. He said he'd meet me at the daycare. I saw him on the road. He was doing his best to walk straight and be friendly. Perhaps I should have been more accepting? I couldn't. I asked him to wait outside. I tried my best to not cry. We finally got home and the bitching began. Thing is, I know I've been bitchy lately. The difference between me and J when he has been drinking is that he is mean. Mean people suck. (I still want that bumper sticker). I made a decision...spend an evening of tension hell with a smelly inebriated man in a small humid apartment or, bugger off. I called his mom and told her that her son was drunk and the kids and I would be coming over for dinner. So, very much like scenes from the movies...I got the kids in the car and we went to 'mother's' (in law).
Now please note that I do not want this to read like a J - slam. I love him. He does stupid and hurtful things at times...but, overall, he tries. He is a great father, compassionate guy and my best friend. This whole scene, however, got me thinking about public and private spaces. I find it funny that in a society/culture where borders and boundaries are (supposedly) being stretched, taboos are broken, and everything 'seems to go' once again, like with cell phones, the opposite seems to be true. Perceived 'freedoms' are ultimately illusions that create distance ... I wrong to think that freedom/equality can't happen unless issues are faced head on? Discussed, examined, shouted and cried and laughed over? Silence is only golden for the status quo.
When I arrived at J's mom's, I provided a brief outline of events to his sister...she nodded with a 'well, he was stupid,' and we both shrugged. His mom brought out beer for the three of us. (can't beat 'em may as well join 'em?) I did my best to ignore the bottle and ended up not drinking it. I just wanted all my wits with didn't want to lose it in front of the kids. There's a whole lot of undertones cruising around at his mom's but, suffice it to say (for now) that we ate, kids had fun, and we all returned home unscathed. J had been crashed on the couch. He woke in time to help tuck the kids into bed. Then we snapped at each other again (I mentioned something along the lines that I would be better off with him gone) and he took off for 'Bruce's.' I spent the evening packing. 'Idle hands make ?????'
Please note that undertones is an understatement but, having a brief acquaintance with other families and a deeper knowledge of my own, the weird dynamics and basic fucked uppedness of families is not something I have the time nor patience to get into here.
Ok, I tried to call J around 11...and then 11:30 ... can't help it...have I mentioned that cell phones drive me crazy? J finally answered...he would be home 'soon.' He actually made it home before midnight and I met him on the front porch (quick side line here...J quit smoking about a week ago...and even through all of this stupidity...he didn't light up...hurray!) J proceeded to tell me that I had pissed him off calling his mom...telling her that he was drunk...taking the kids and that if I ever dared do anything like that again, he'd be gone. Just after that, our upstairs neighbour came home...he and J started talking. Interesting, I thought. Both know that I'm here...both know that I'm upset...both are avoiding any dialogue with me at all costs. J even mentioned how I would bring the car home for him the next day so he and the neighbour could go biking?!
Ok...for me this was verrrryyyy interesting. First, that J was most upset, not at my telling him that I was better off without him and other shit to the same e/affect...but...that I had told someone from the outside of our 'sphere.' He even told me that what happened at home should stay at home--maybe if we lived in Vegas but...sheesh. I had 'gone public' with what had happened. Worse yet? I had gone public with his mom. Interesting still was that his mom did her best to avoid the topic. Her only comments were a) in the action of providing a beer; and b) saying 'it was good for you to be here, even though the circumstances that brought you here may not have been' as we were packing up to go. Then there is our neighbour. I realize that there is an unspoken rule out there that people are not to get involved with each other...It's fascinating and scary at the same time. I wonder if he would have spoken up if I had had a bruise forming on my cheek or if blood had been slowly dripping from my weird as it me at least...I doubt that he would have done anything. We watch t.v. and movies and witness violence and sexual innuendo called 'adult situations' yet...the real adult situations are avoided on a daily basis. The private sphere...the adult world remains, for the most part 'untouchable.' We watch through lens after lens...much like an Agoyan film...and are pushed further and further from each other....voyeurs to our own selves.
I told J that I would be writing about this...he is ok with it ... I guess...maybe he's just saying that out of...???? In any case, I am glad that I can write this. (although last night, he went on the computer and stayed on quite late...then turned off the machine so as to not have me write last was good for me to think about things with a bit more time behind me). I wonder if through the writing of this private/public blog in this private/public sphere that perhaps another crack may begin to form in the wall separating the two. Who knows? I'm just glad to get this off my chest.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Too Hot to ...
Work. Glorious place of air conditioning. Actually, it's really an air chiller so the humidity remains's a damn cool humidity. Crew arrives after I deal with one staffer calling in with a bad back and the T&T High Commission wanting, 'if not a 'bout a flag' after being informed that I may not be able to provide any image. sigh.
Sound crew goes to tear apart the booth (which is now pink...hey...they listened when I suggested the coercion involved). Another fellow (master carp) goes down to the basement to make big wood small.
Many phone calls...some internet dicking around...more phone calls...figured out a way to get the T&T the image they want...will only cost them $100...they go for it...wonder if sound techs realize that their patch bay idea will require an in and an out for each channel inorder for the compressors to work the way they want...received mail...dealt with unsatisfied tech who worked a weekend shift...knows himself to have sugar problems but blames me for his not having brought food??? I really don't know sometimes. Got through the day...only managed to spend around $500 on the company dime...supervisor may have a problem when he returns from vacation but he's the one who told me before he left that 'it's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission' ... so...i'm not asking.
Went to drugstore on way condoms (in case weather breaks...isn't going will remain sealed until further notice), sunscreen for kids and J (me too if I remember...I know), fruit flavoured water, foot bath stuff (my feet deserve a break today)...went home...J was in backyard with barbecue started ... bitched at J ... left kids in yard with him and went inside to clean cat box and do the breakfast dishes. J made dinner outside (not using oven is good thing)....really yummy dinner ... after which I did the dishes, cleaned up and J ran the bath for the kids (poor person's pool). I took the garbage out. J told me he was planning on going climbing. His bike is in the shop today. J is on a health/atheltic kick. More on this later I'm sure. I asked that he not just assume that I have no life of my own. He asked what I was going to do. I told him that I was going to take his sister out. I did.
Went and kidnapped her. Had a nice time...a couple iced coffee...she's going back to beijing on Sunday... Now I'm writing this as I prepare to jump in shower, pamper my feet and crash...tomorrow is another day. In my immediate future I see:
a) heat
b) questions from T & T
c) spending more company money
d) more dishes
e) more bitching
f) no sex
Saturday, July 16, 2005
No Apology Necessary
these are the characters. the selves. most will play multiple roles.
the I who I am on the other side of the text is tired
in need of release.
wanting a rest
... ... ... ...
nope...nothing tonight. no pathways are presenting themselves.
want to look into art vs. deadline ... I hope that whichever is pursued is enjoyed more than disdained...that the choice made is correct ... are there really incorrect choices? another view to examine... later...
GF once told me that she writes in order to have something to read...can you tell that she isn't Canadian born? Humility takes a backseat. No apology necessary. Do you all re read your posts? Enjoy them? Wonder at them? Think about editing them but then stop cuz they exist on their own now -- separate little entities? Not quite separate...more like extensions. This, however, is leading down another path...a path that will no doubt keep me from a quiet rest.
Adieu. Goodnight.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Mirror Mirror On the Wall
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
My daughter cries out in her sleep. I roll over. Hoping. Hoping that this will pass. Hoping that I can get away with avoiding this responsibility. Hoping that I am the one having the bad dream.
My daughter comes up to me and asks that I tie a ribbon around her head...covering her eyes. I ask 'Why do you want this?' She responds, 'Because I do.' Blindfolded she then walks around the apartment...slowly...cautiously curious...seeing the world through her fingertips.
I am the one crying. My daughter comes up to me and gives me a hug. I am torn. Torn between the feeling that I should straighten up, wipe my eyes and bring her into my arms and the urge to crumple under her embrace ... allowing myself to surrender to her ... be protected by her ... let her be the mommy for awhile.
I remember back. I had a balloon. Given to me by a clown. At a parade. I got out of the car. The balloon was released. I started to cry. I saw my mother's face. I knew that if there was any way she could get that balloon back, she would have done it. She, like me, was helpless. My sadness there because of what I lost. Her sadness there because of what she never had.
My daughter is a part of me. My daughter is her own self. I see bits and pieces of myself within her. I also see a stranger. She moves through life with a determination that I feel I was only able to feign.
My daughter asked me to dance today.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Afternoon Delight
I wonder sometimes at the differences between the 'intellectual' and the 'intellectual.' Each are as they are named but are different. One seems hell bent on creating an insular space which has as its purpose to protect a status quo. As if any challenges made were challenges of a personal be challenged is to have the self challenged...leading, ultimately, to a destruction of self. Scary.
There was nothing wrong with a bit of fantasy play though was there? Her heart began to beat just a little bit faster. She was ready. She had to say his name out loud. She could not hold it in any longer. Her partner stood in front of her. Had they been talking? Yes. About what? Damn...he's looking at her, waiting for her to respond. Does he notice?
The other seems to relish teasing open cracks and fissures...peeling layers...picking at scabs...looking under rocks...putting their hands in places where their mothers told them not to. Never satistfied with what is there...needing to poke and hunt a bit further. Looking in shadows. Seeing what exists in between. In a constant state of challenge, the space they inhabit changes form...grows and shrinks...just as they do themselves.
'So I saw David this Second Cup.' There. She said it. The name. Wasn't it glorious? She felt a rush of blood rise to her cheeks. Her stomach was fluttering. He didn't seem to notice. She got away with it. Could she dare say it again without raising any suspicion? 'David was on his way to an appointment.' That was safe...people have appointments...get appointed to this and that all the time. She felt that she was going to explode.
Problems seem to arise when no differences are made between intellectuals. Put them all into the same boat and it will sink for sure. The ivory tower is off-white. Do forced marriages ever work? Not, I think, unless there is an understanding from both sides that what is lacking must be obtained...with explicit or implicit consent. Consenting adults. Working to analyze, restructure, study, examine, defend, offend, challenge, create, improve, reprove, polish , ... , ... , ... , ...
And now? The name still holds a certain amount of power. Although it no longer has such a fierce impact upon her. At times, she will whisper the name inside her head and smile at how it continues to echo inside of her. It's all academic really.
Female Score: 406Male Score: 813
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Coffee, Coconut Oil, Pancakes, Teddy Bears and A Dinner for Two
When I got home, Jeff had made blueberry pancakes!!!!!!! (This is a little something that happens after a fight...for those who are interested...we haven't really made up yet but, we are no longer really on the outs either...kinda in limbo...won't complain cuz I got a good breakfast). Afterwards, we took the kids to the teddy bear's picnic on the grounds of Rideau Hall. Sierra was/is in a mood today so nothing's really any fun. Aryn on the other hand had a blast ... got his flower fixed up by a doctor (this picnic is in aid of the local childrens' hospital so the organizers arrange for a B.A.S.H. tent be set up complete with triage units and surgeons in attendence). Aryn then sat in the front seat of a fire truck, went in the back of an army medi-vac, had a burger, pet a couple goats, chatted up a fellow in a bear suit (kept asking the poor dude who he was in there...Aryn wasn't buying that it was a bear) Sierra cheered up with a Spongebog Squarepants popsicle (personally can't stand the character but, both kids love it!)
We all came home and then Aryn and Jeff took off to do some errands. Sierra and I have been hanging. She has decided (30s ago) to start crying and is insisting that nothing is wrong. Poor thing. ... I shall return to this. Ok...Jeff and Aryn are back...Jeff got himself some more climbing/map/backpack stuff. Sierra and I discussed things...seems she's just having a bad day. We all have 'em. Unavoidable. They suck.
Ok...Jeff just told me that he and I can go out for dinner. A sitter has been arranged. We get to stay out until 9pm--almost past my bedtime! Jeff and I are sparring...wonder when the need to needle each other will go away for a while. Or is it foreplay?
I think I need another cup of coffee.
Friday, July 08, 2005
What if?
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Making Up
Woke up this morning to more visions of terror on the radio and tv. Wonder what it will take for the world to make up with itself?
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Another odd committee thing is that for the past couple meetings, I have been disagreeing with the group on a number of issues. This week, those same issues came out and I found that people were agreeing with what I had said. At first, I was flattered, until I figured out that no reference to my ever having had any opinion on these issues was made. My ideas were being argued from out of other people's mouths. This is what the writer must feel when touring the movie set while her work is being (re)worked. Very weird feeling. Voyeuristic. Strange being both manipulator and manipulated. I'm now interested in seeing if this type of thing will happen again. It's become very tempting to argue things for the sake of mental masturbation...with no real attachment to the issues at hand...and see how many can be made to come on side. Kinda like that scientology hubbert? fellow. You know, the ex-science fiction writer who, at one book signing mentioned out loud that the best way to become rich was to start one's own religion...several years later, voila.
Is it even possible anymore for people to think for themselves?
Monday, July 04, 2005
Drillin Pipe and Pipe'n Up
Saturday, July 02, 2005
The Chest
I think I will have to work on this idea further. To tease out what other items have inadvertently been placed inside this chest....or, maybe, just to get a few more things off mine.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Who is John Galt?
g ghghh hghghghhg hghhghghghgxhghghghgh hg gh ghgghhghghghghhg hhhhghghghgghhgfghghfhffhhfhh hvhvhvhhhhhvhhhgvgvccvgvcgcvvcvc
Now is S:
Hmmmm...well, her 'cover' is certainly blown isn't it. Not to be outdone, here's A again:
Wow...they like the alphabet. So do I. Nothing wrong with letters...nothing whatsoever.