Saturday, July 30, 2005

Packing Packing Packing

Packing, packing, packing. The life of my wee family is being packed away into little boxes. Basically it adds up to 6 years of cumulated crap. I'm surprised that not more is being thrown out. Maybe we'll throw more out at the new place. I have a sneaky suspician, however, that this may not be the case. Our new place is significantly larger. With a basement. A large basement. There is plenty of room to store those unimportant but, 'don't you think we'd better hang on to it just in case?', things. Well, i've had enough of a break. J's been tackling the back room since early this morning. I slept in. Well, I am on vacation.


Candis said...

ah, yes...we are all just goldfish, growing to fit our bowls!

Labris said...

I prefer to think of it all as insulation.