Friday, July 01, 2005

Who is John Galt?

I didn't think it would ever come to this but, I am beginning to fear that it has. A feeling of futility...of 'so what' ... of wondering what the point of it all really is? How did I come to feel this way? Misunderstood. Defeated. Undone. Well, it's simple...and it's complicated. I had hope. Let's back up. I had recently had a brutal month at work time-wise. Only one day out of the month of May didn't have something going on on stage and a great majority of the days had two or more events squeezed in. Despite the grueling pace, my staff and I received nothing but compliments and, I felt that we were on the top of our game. "Get em in, get em on, get em out" became our collective mantra yet, at no time were any of us willing to sacrifice our own basic needs that centred around putting out our best performances. In an industry where the half ass and the almost good enough seem to dominate, it's very nice to work alongside people who want to produce quality. Needless to say, I was feeling pretty darn good about myself. I got a note of thanks from the 'big cheese' --my supervisor's boss and felt that my work was beginning to mean something within the grander institution. I went out on a limb. I made a suggestion for change. Change that would benefit the theatre, and in so doing, benefit the university as a whole. I asked that washrooms be built that would be accessible to our patrons without forcing them to go outside to another building to pee. Yesterday, I received a response. Seems that I was wrong about the theatre being important. Seems that as a classroom, there are no real complaints regarding access since, students can access the room close to the stage. This access point is linked via underground tunnels thus, no one need go outside to pee. If, however, people attending important lectures were to complain, the suggestion from above was that our theatre should not be used. Forget about the fact that we have a nicer space, better equipment, a professional staff that will go out of its way to create the best 'event' possible; let's not bother to add accessible washrooms to the mix. Instead, let people move to dinky uninspired room repleat with humming flourescent fixtures and orange plastic chairs. As for the performances we hold? So what. Since they aren't deemed important academically, they may as well not exist. So, this same institution that spouts out how important culture is and how much the arts are valued is spouting out nothing but bullshit. I shouldn't be surprised. I was warned. Warned against hoping...warned against thinking that anything could actually change the narrow minded corporate philosophies held by the upper crust. But, then really is only a job eh?

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