This is a picture of S ... kinda wanted to see if I could add pics. Everyone else on the block is trying it... Hmmm...shouldn't this have been more difficult? What am I missing? S, as you can see, is missing teeth. No...not naturally...unless you count falling down stoop steps and slamming mouth into metal kick guard a natural childhood progression...I'm sure the jury will be out for awhile.
Contemplated yet another night sans blog but, as I was waiting for J to finish his shower whilst I sat sipping tea on the front stoop watching a local prostitute (a new one tonight...young...strung out...possibly pregnant) tour the street with that ungainly, pushy yet vulnerable night time strut, I thought that I should break the silence. I know me...if I can get away with putting something off for a short while, I can extend the silence indefinitely.
So...what's new? My supervisor has returned from his vacation. Got to show him the good, the bad and the ugly. Clean carp shop good. Rental of bin without knowing how much I spent on it? bad. Fixed risers? Good. Having to drive around searching for wood delivered to the wrong spot? Ugly. Clean sink room good. My staff forgetting to lock sound room door last night? bad. Clean lights, good. Ripped DMX line...ugly...staff trying to hide it from me with electrical tape...uglier. Clean booth? Good. Pink wall...ugly....Ok...so I told the tech to paint the wall pink. He chose to actually listen to me. He mixed the colour. It's the most unpink pink I've ever seen. Not flowery...not froofroo...more like pepto bismal. New sound patch...very good. Monitor falling on $25 000 sound board (bending 3 knobs) ... bad and ugly. Overall, the tour went well. Inspection was passed. Ended up getting a lot done while he was away...funny that. Now, all I have to do is get through Wednesday...then it's vacation!! Yippie. I'm getting quite tired of the place/space.
1 comment:
Pix are so fun!! Now that you've done it once, it may get addictive...
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