Thursday, June 23, 2005

In Tune

This must be another example of tuning. I have just started my blog and, have found out (just this morning) that a friend of mine who is across on the other side of the world (night time for her) has just started her own. So, why this pre-victorian need to write all of a sudden? Her response is that a creative outlet has been missing and this could very well fill the void. I have to agree. I'm actually looking forward to writing this each day. Unlike others, mine is not a morning or before bed occupation. I am taking the second half hour of my lunch to do this. Since I quit smoking, that bit of time after eating has left me at loose ends. I usually have just gone back to work or, mindlessly surfed the web for obscure news bites but have never really been able to find that sweet channel spot on the radio tuner. J and I have just gone through a period of being out of tune. He is in work mode. All else goes to the way-side. Festival/concert season does this to him. Long hours with 'the guys.' I'm not very supportive of that...I'm too greedy...I need proper attention paid to me. The money is nice but, I want him to remember to clean the cat box too. After all, I work too and seem to be able to get stuff down around the house. It's hard for him though. I can be too demanding and picky and he does really suck at doing dishes. I hard is it to feel a plate and discern that perhaps if your finger slides off it and leaves a greasy mark then perhaps, just perhaps, it needs to be scrubbed a wee bit more? At least we both recognize that this season is hectic ... and, it helps that kids and cats are involved in keeping us from imploding in our personal states of self-absorption. There are, indeed, more important things to do during the day than worry about cat piss, laundry, which dude got to run followspot and the like. Things like playing princess with my son and hairy monster with my daughter. Sometimes a bit of dissonance is a good thing.

1 comment:

East to East said...

Have we ever been completely in tune? it's a tough call. more rain in this tropical muck today. (more red rain, in fact).
I think that we are really dealing with harmonics at the moment, but I was never much good with musical theory.