Friday, November 25, 2005

'Til Tuesday -- Wasn't that a rock band?

Strange how, at times, I feel like a voyeur of my own life. Even as I am in the act of doing certain things, I am simultaneously watching myself 'do.' My sickness has abated. My only reminder is awall of phlegm that refuses to dislodge completely from behind my nose. It sits in a toxic, gooey lump until those inopportune times that it decides to loosen just a little bit...its outlet usually coming from a surprise sneeze that shoots a yellowish mass either across a room onto the floor or into my hand...the floor is most often my office (don't pick up the papers on the floor folks...they've been placed for a reason)...I get a handful of slime when I'm driving. I know. This is gross. And pretty sick. But really, am I the only one? I doubt it (hopefully).

Ok. I'm back at work. Things are pretty slow but will pick up soon enough. I've been invited by the president of the university to breakfast next Tuesday (myself and 14 others). I had put my name forward last month to form a part of a task force looking into the possible future
direction(s) the university might take. I was not chosen. I figure this breakfast is a sort of consolation prize. The prez still wants to hear our thoughts on things though. That's rather heartening. I just have to figure out which crew shirt to wear. Judas Priest? Alberta Theatre Scene? Special Effects? The choices keep growing. Tomorrow morning I'll have a new U2 shirt to add to the pile. Membership does have its privileges. I want to represent/be representative of, the arts scene here at the university. Push an arts agenda as it were. Worth a shot, no?

I've been asked by people from my childrens' daycare to speak at the city council next Tuesday. I'm not entirely sure what I'll be saying but, I will meet with one of their union reps over the weekend in order to figure things out. This is something I never really pictured myself doing. Even as I said yes it felt more as if I was following a script than actually acting for real. Odd. What do I wear for that? Will I have to change from the morning or I can I find the perfect outfit to suit the prez and the 'right wing councillors?'

I played hookey today. And I joined a gym. Really. Me. Along with a personal trainer. Who wants to meet me on Tuesday. Between the breakfast with the prez and the city council. Why is everything happening on Tuesday? Something is gonna have to give.

I'm making a pot of chili on Sunday. Greycup weekend. I like watching football these days. I am actually beginning to 'get it.' It's smarter than I thought. It's also an excuse to watch something that is not entirely mind numbing/soul squelching on the tele.

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