Sunday, October 30, 2005
A Stitch in Time
I have other reasons to feel good today. The sun is shining. The fall leaves are brilliant. I figured out how to make a tutu for my daughter's Halloween costume (yup. she wants to be a ballerina). My son will be Bob the Builder. J and he will go out later this morning in search of some overalls and a plaid shirt. I have to work a couple hours this afternoon but, afterwards, there will be pumpkin carving and last minute costume prep in order to get ready for tomorrow. The kids will be wearing their costumes for the entire day. I think that I may be just as (or even a bit more) excited about this then they are. Well, I'd best get off this machine and indulge in some more real life. No rush however. I've got all the time in the world!
Friday, October 28, 2005
Pass Me the Mushy Red Peas Please
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
A History of Smoking (Part III)
Ok. So I really wasn't fond of how my fingers would smell after smoking. And, I hated to smell my clothes after taking a shower. I knew I stunk. I was also beginning to get a bit creeped out from my cough. And, when I caught a chest cold, it seemed to stick around forever. Plus, I didn't have the nerve to tell my parents that I smoked. Didn't want that added stress in my life so visits from/with them were frought with tension and subterfuge as I had to keep my secret life as secret as possible. The drain on my spending budget was becoming more evident with each government tax increase. I was also becoming aware how dependent I was. As a person who prided herself in being able to 'go it alone' as an independent spirit, it was distressing to realize how the mere lack of anything smokeable in my home would send me down into a tailspin of panicked need. I began to see my habit for what it was. An addiction. Internal dialogues began to take shape. I would begin questioning my need for a smoke. I would rationalize with myself that it was ok. I would reward my self for having had gone an hour without a smoke guessed it, a smoke. The honeymoon stage was ending. I could no longer enjoy my cigarettes in total oblivious abandon. If this relationship was going to happen, I was really going to have to work on it.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Naval Contemplation
I'm feeling a bit more literary at the moment. I finally finished 'Runaway Mistress' by Patricia Carr. Definitely not literature per se ... junk food for the brain. Good to have on hand beside the toilet. Get the point? Don't know why I was avoiding my McEwan, Turner-Hospital, MacDonald stuff. I guess I needed a break. I'm very glad the break is over. I've missed my friends. My books. My books always seem to link me closer to my friends...especially the ones who love books. It's a cycle that has done me well over the years.
Non sequitor. I bought a new computer today. On line. It will be my very first very own computer (to be shared with J with the express understanding that he is not to open it, reprogram it or, in any way, shape or form, alter it). It should arrive by the end of this week or early next week. It's strange to plop down money in such a cavalier fashion. Yet, I've always known that I'd never really be rich in the monetary sense anyway.
I feel the need to end this post in a witty or thought provoking or end tying sort of way. I'm at a loss. I think I'd rather fall asleep with a good book and then dream of oranges ripening on a tree.
Friday, October 14, 2005
It's a job and a living
'ummm nk? I just got offered a really cool gig'
'oh yeah? That's really great.'
'Thing's tomorrow night. The night I booked with you.'
'I see. Well, I guess you have a decision to make eh?'
'Well, I don't want to put you out but...well, can you find anyone else?'
Now depending on my mood/level of desparation I will answer in any number of ways.
1) 'Well, you were the last possible choice I had left when I booked you. I'm outta options.'
2) 'I really would rather not put someone else on this. I trust you and know you'll do a great job.'
3) 'I'll call around and see but, the situation doesn't look hopeful.
4) 'Fine' and then hang up the phone muttering profanities and swearing never to call them again.
There are other options but, I guess you can get the idea.
Thing is, as I mentioned above, I always have a plan b. One of my claims to fame is that if any of my crew for some reason or another cannot make it to a gig, I can step in. Lights, sound, front of house, carps you name it and I'll manage. I don't really want my crew to think that as an option though. I kinda like going home when the show starts. And, since I've been here in this position, I've only had to fill in 3 times. Not a bad record and, it shows I have some pretty good crew loyalty. (and it's not entirely the money either...I can't afford to compete with union wages...I do offer more responsibility's that word again 'freedom.')
It's hard to do the dance though. I need people to work but, I can't say 'you have to or else.' Worse thing I can do to them is not hire them. But, if I'm short a tech, I'll need to hire them. So, I have to tread carefully with the end goal always in mind. Get the show on!
In a nutshell, the tech decided to do the gig. All is well in theatre for another short while.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Raise your hand
Friday, October 07, 2005
A History of Smoking (Part II)
Anyway, there I was stuck in a room with a smoker. Ick. Funny thing happened though. I swear that I became addicted to the second hand smoke. I would start getting headaches when she wasn't around. Still, I stuck with my healthier addictions -- alcohol and caffeine -- and time went by. Flash forward to a frat party. Don't ask why we were there...I still can't figure that one out. Anyway, some jerk cornered my friend. Some people really shouldn't be allowed to breathe. Anyway, we left and, in some perverse need to share in the moment, I asked for a cigarette. I really didn't know much about brands and such so, when handed a camel filter I thought nothing of it. I know different now. I thought I had literally turned green. Nope...smoking just wasn't for me. Or, so I thought.
Enter M. M was a boy. I had a crush on M. He seemed to have a crush on me. We would give each other smirks and come hither looks across the cafe where I worked. He came to the cafe counter one day and invited me out for a soon as my shift was over. I played it cool. Said 'sure' and, after he left, rushed around like a mad idiot to cash out. We went to Cafe Rosie Lee. No longer around. Best food/server/cook around. We split a bottle of red and giggled and smiled and felt the emergence of an instant bond...the kind that only hunger and alcohol can make. He offered to drive me home. He had to go to Barrie that night to pick up some photographic equipment from his father. When we got in the car, he said 'where to?' I said 'Barrie.' He stared at me, smiled and off we went. It felt like love. When we got to Barrie it was well over midnight. I still hadn't eaten anything since that morning and, the red wine was now doing some nasty impromtu performances in my gut. I wanted food. I wanted sleep. M's dad was up. M and his dad both smoked. A lot. They immediately lit up in the kitchen. His dad was watching late night t.v. repleat with late night escort type commercials. I commented. Negatively. Forcefully. I wish I could remember what exactly I had said. In my defence, I do not normally insult people when I first meet them (not all the time anyway) but, I was drunk, hungry and getting sick off the smoke. M brought me to the guest bedroom and I passed out. I woke up hours later to the smell. The smell of grease. The smell of dead pig. The unmistakeable smell of bacon. I thought I was going to puke right there and then. You see, one of the personnas I picked up at Uni was that of a vegetarian. Needless to say, I declined the meat filled breakfast. None other was offered. M and I got in the car and drove off. I spent the ride home apologizing for my behaviour. M told me not to worry about it. No harm done. He dropped me off at home, kissed my cheek and told me he'd see me later.
Later. M wanted to talk. He told me that he like me but, we just wouldn't work as a couple. He gave me 3 reasons: I was a radical feminist (based on my comments to his father regarding the late night escort commercials), I was a vegetarian (guilty), and, I was a non-smoker. I looked at him and said 'you're kidding right?' He shook his head. We can still be friends right?
I was furious. How dare he. I needed to leave town. I called a pal up in Toronto and told her to expect me. I jumped on a bus and took off. At the first rest break, I bought myself a pack of Players Light Regular and tried to smoke one. I nearly threw up but I persevered and managed to get most of it down. I started sharing dirty/sexist jokes with my fellow smokers. When I arrived in Toronto, I went to the first hotdog stand I could find and proceeded to choke down the largest polish sausage there was. I spent the weekend going for long walks and smoking like a chimney. I had to take the walks cuz my pal was a non smoker and didn't want me smoking around her home. The cigarettes gradually began to taste better and by the time the weekend was over. I could do this. I could smoke.
Back home, I went out to the local. M was there. I took out my smokes (same brand as his). He lifted an eyebrow and lit my smoke for me. So there, I thought. He just looked at me. It was then that I realized that his reasons for us not being together were, as I had suspected, full of shit. But, as I sat there slowly exhaling it dawned on me. I was hooked.