Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Naval Contemplation

For all those awaiting the next installment of the 'History of Smoking' series, fear not. There will be more. It is interesting, to me, that I can piece together a sort of auto-biography by just focusing on one main thematic element from my life -- in this case smoking. This also illustrates (quite effectively I feel) that biographies and fictional accounts are much closer than one would first presume. Stories are, after all, stories. Fact is fiction when placed in the proper context (and vice versa).

I'm feeling a bit more literary at the moment. I finally finished 'Runaway Mistress' by Patricia Carr. Definitely not literature per se ... junk food for the brain. Good to have on hand beside the toilet. Get the point? Don't know why I was avoiding my McEwan, Turner-Hospital, MacDonald stuff. I guess I needed a break. I'm very glad the break is over. I've missed my friends. My books. My books always seem to link me closer to my friends...especially the ones who love books. It's a cycle that has done me well over the years.

Non sequitor. I bought a new computer today. On line. It will be my very first very own computer (to be shared with J with the express understanding that he is not to open it, reprogram it or, in any way, shape or form, alter it). It should arrive by the end of this week or early next week. It's strange to plop down money in such a cavalier fashion. Yet, I've always known that I'd never really be rich in the monetary sense anyway.

I feel the need to end this post in a witty or thought provoking or end tying sort of way. I'm at a loss. I think I'd rather fall asleep with a good book and then dream of oranges ripening on a tree.

1 comment:

East to East said...

awww - i totally miss you too.
Just finished Syvanus Now, by Donna whatsername. It was pretty good, but also sort of dragged. Have several volumes of Newfie fiction on the go, and a few basics on sailing, oceans, pollutions, enviro stuff.
I was amazed when i realized that those were really oranges on the tree - guess i had expected some less glamorous cousin to grow there. They are perfect and green green green.
and you would love the fuschia bougainvillia.