Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Work and Play

So many threads, so little time. Hmmm... I'm beginning to sense a theme here. I haven't posted to this blog very regularly as of late. I have a couple options. I could back date a number of posts and sneak them in with no one being the wiser. This, I fear, would be a bit too duplicitous for my tastes. I could, when I get a moment each day, start draft posts to be worked on and posted later. This, I fear, would lead me to being in a state of constant catch up. I would always be behind. And, if perchance, I were able to get back on track and completely caught up would I really want "I've caught up on all my blog posts...hurrah" to be something that I celebrate? I think not. So, I think I will carry on as I have been. At times prolific. At times dry as desert sand. It's worked so far.

What's been going on with me? Well, two things come immediately to mind. (this isn't true...many many things are coming to mind but, there are two things that I will write about here and now).
A very close friend came to visit. Love her. As a sister and more. (not just cuz she reads this am I writing nice things about her...she really does rock). So, she, another friend and I went to the mall to shop around for clothes. Ok. So she and S are thin. Not gross ewww too thin but instead 'we use our bodies for sporting type purposes and are generally fit' thin. I, on the otherhand, am not thin. This became more evident to me when, in the entire store, the only things that would have a hope in hell of fitting me were wraps and large sized mens' clothing. I have a love hate relationship with my body and its weight. At the moment, it is definitely hate. I don't like the way I feel physically and I certainly am not a fan of my larger sized thighs and waist. This said, I wasn't feeling particularly joyous in the store. Then, as my friend was trying on a lovely pair of black trousers, another woman (larger...like myself) commented 'I'd kill for a body like that.' Hmmm. I looked at this woman. She was shorter than me and a bit plump. Nothing wrong with her. She was wearing clothes that were a bit too small...that never helps. Nothing seems to make me more body conscious than wearing something that doesn't fit comfortably. I also wondered at her statement. Would she really 'kill' for a new body? My friend works out on a daily basis. Hard. She runs, rows, climbs, jumps, swings...she uses her body. I don't do these things. Does this woman? I mean, it's all well and good to want the perfect body/hair/vocabulary/job but, it isn't all luck and genetics. Choices need to be made too. I have been a slug for a bit ... my body is showing the results of this. Perhaps I wouldn't kill to be thinner, but, I think it's perhaps time I started moving a bit more. If it's a bit about choice, I think I'll take some time to choose to focus on body health for a bit.

The second topic is a bit of a rant. J and I work in the same industry and have links with people within the industry. Problems arise when people see us as a unit instead of as separate entities. J will get questions from people about shifts in my space (what their call times are, what the show is, and the like). He responds by saying 'I don't care. I'm not her secretary.' Fair enough. A client wanting my space but used to working with J actually left a message on our home machine about looking into booking my work space. J informed client, again, that they needed to contact the theatre directly. Now, this morning, J tells me that a company that he does free lance work for and that I, on behalf of one of my clients, purchased a service from, wanted the signed copy of a receipt that they had given J to pass on to me. Hell....this particular receipt spent about a month in the car (it never actually made it to my work desk) and, ended up getting tossed. So, J tells me to call them. Sigh. I did but, it would have been easier had they sent the receipt to me directly here at work. I told them that. If it weren't for J, I would have ignored their requests completely. I mean. Business is business. My accounts here at work are properly reconciled. I deal with company receipts at the office...not at home. I don't think they would appreciate it if I called them at home to book equipment. They will fax me a duplicate receipt for me to sign (which I will) and then wanted me to drop it off in person. No, I responded. I'll be putting it in the mail. What is it about snippy people that brings out the uber bitch in me? Ah well. It's only work.

1 comment:

Candis said...

"Duplicitous." Nice word. I've struggled with having my weird relationship with deadlines infringing on the posting in the past, too...and I agree with your final decision (although admittedly, I would have noticed if you tried to sneak them in...)

What amazes me though is the utter calmness embedded in your description about the experience in the store. At both the inability to engage in the shopping play and of the woman's "murderous" comment about your friend's body - two things that have accomplished a welling up of sheer fiery fury in me on numerous occasions. And sadness, too - that shopping (something that's supposed to be a real treat) can cause a negative turn inwards; and that "I'd kill for that body" slides out of mouths as easily and as "nice weather we're having."