Friday, September 16, 2005

A do do do A Da da da

I'm feeling a bit naughty. This morning I took a bra out of the trash (it was in the washroom garbage can...nothing else in had been placed there because of a broken underwire...ouch!!) and put it on. Laundry has not been done for a while and so, when faced with putting on the bra I had on last night and the one form the trash (loved last night...thank you steenblogen but the bra was too smoky come morning--one of the downsides of having quit nicotine), I had to choose the trashy one (luckily, I own a leatherman which is really a must have to all those who need instant access to underwire twisting pliers). Ok...I had on my garbage bra, now what? Obvious. For Christmas last year, one of my sound techs got me some swag from his underwear that have written on them 'Mall Punks Fuck Off.' Done. I forwent the fuzzy pink bunny socks (an Easter treat? from my mother in law) and found a pair of almost matching blacks and was good to go. Tonight, I will be Steenblogen's date to a pre-do of a do. A pre do do? Wondering what to wear.

1 comment:

Candis said...


Sorry about the smoke-age, but I'm glad I could facilitate the post-punk nasty grrl undergarments!!

And damn was it good to see you...