Saturday, January 07, 2006

Mundane Thoughts On The Way To Work

1) Damn, looks like I'm going to be late;
2) What's S singing? Sounds like Green Day
3) Yup, it is Green Day -- 'Wake Me Up Before September Ends' -- that's my girl
4) I won't be too late
5) Traffic is better than I thought.
6) I have a meeting today at 10? or is it 10:30?
7) Wonder if A is awake yet. Hope he's feeling better
8) Weird how he puked and then fell asleep immediately...falling into it. J and I made a good 'change the pukey kid' team
9) Hope the highway is good for my mom and d. Talk about the highway. A Northern thing. It was nice to see them. And short visits are good
10) Will the tiles be finished in the office? Maybe I could set up C's office for him. He's sick today too.
11) Ok. S has been dropped off. They'll make A a card at daycare today. Cute
12) Lots of NDP signs in this neighbourhood. To be expected. The conservatives scare me. But...they too will pass. Like bad gas.
13) Women in BC are donating breast milk to the underprivileged. I really don't know how I feel about this. Seems wrong to me on some level. And icky.
14) Ok buddy. If you are such a rush then pass me.
15) Nice. You passed me in order to stop. See? It wasn't my fault that the traffic is slow. grrrrr
16) Inner peace...inner peace...inner peace.
17) Hmmmm....wonder if he'd like to drag?
18) I see the university in the horizen
19) S wants to fly with Santa Claus
20) Feel kinda bad for the Russian team...the goal was good. They still got smoked however.
21) Hey...not late. The parking around here is stupid.
22) I have to open up this morning. First class is at 8:30am. Who the hell would book a class for 8:30am on a Friday morning? Who would go? I'd skip. Geeeesh. Just watch though...when I get there, there will be about 100 kids in the lobby eager to rush the theatre for a seat. AT 8:00AM!!! I don't think I was ever early for a class ever. Not to sit in it anyway. What about a smoke? What about a coffee? A quick chat? Students these days are weird.
23) I should delay openning until 8:25am...get me a coffee first. Weird how something like that sounds subversive.

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